Homework policy

Homework Information Sheet

Planner-Students received an FASD planner. Assignments will be written on the board each morning and students will be reminded to copy their assignments into the planner. You will want to check the planner each night to see what homework needs to be completed.

Expectations- Students are expected to have their homework completed on time every day. If there is an emergency that prevents homework from being completed on time, please write me a note or email so that additional time can be given. Students will receive a sticker for the homework chart each morning when assignments are checked. After 20 stickers, they will earn a homework pass which will entitle them to skip one assignment.

If a student does not have an assignment completed on time, an “Oops” slip will be sent home. It will list the missed assignment. Please sign and return it the next day with the completed assignment. Students who repeatedly miss homework may be kept in at recess to complete work.

Parent Support- Please take time each evening to assist your child, if needed.  Check that homework is completed and placed in the backpack to head back to school. Let me know if your child is struggling or taking an excessive amount of time to complete it on a regular basis.

Math- Your child will receive math homework on most nights. Sometimes it will only be a few problems and other times there will be a bit more. The amount given is determined by the difficulty of the lesson and the readiness of the students. This homework will be found in the large Practice Math Book. The home pages will be listed in their assignments and they will circle the problems in the book. This will allow you to see the lesson, in order to better help your child, if needed. We will use the Math Practice Book in school EVERY DAY! It is vital that it is returned to school! Remember that you may download the Bounce Pages app. This app can be used to scan the homework and watch a video similar to the lesson from school. Students will also have fact practice some nights.

English Language Arts- Students will have reading/writing homework on most nights. Reading increases their comprehension and reading aloud increases their oral fluency so reading at home is of utmost importance.

There will be no homework on weekends, unless a student is making up missed work.

The district mandates that students receive 10 minutes per grade level; therefore your child should spend no more than approximately 30 minutes each night.